Ten ways to drink more water throughout the day

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By Julia Abelsohn

By Julia Abelsohn

The 2019 Canada Food Guide, the first in 12 years, recently unveiled a new approach aimed at promoting healthier eating and lifestyle choices, rather than emphasizing serving sizes and specific foods. Canadians should eat vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and should choose plant-based proteins — such as legumes, nuts and tofu — more regularly, the guide says. It also stresses that Canadians should make water their beverage of choice as a way to stay hydrated without consuming calories.

We all want what’s best for our children so we try to feed them the best diet possible. We scan labels for hidden trans fats, sugar and additives and try to buy organic and non-GMO as much as possible. We know that their developing bodies and brains deserve the best nutrients that we can possibly give them.

But what about what they’re drinking? Children play hard and can get dehydrated quickly if they don’t replenish their fluids and they also have higher water requirements in relation to their body weight than adults but they may not recognize the signs of thirst until they get a headache or feel nauseous and dizzy. It’s tempting to reach for that juice box or sugary drink but instead give them an energy boost without the empty calories advised the Canada Food Guide. “In 2015,” the guide says, “sugary drinks were the main sources of total sugars in the diets of Canadians, with children and adolescents having the highest average daily intake.”

Give them a health boost while you’re quenching their thirst by pouring them a glass of clean filtered water from your H2 ionizer. All of our ionizers have complex filtration systems that filter out a growing list of “baddies” such as: fluoride, chorine, lead, mercury, PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, perchlorates, dioxins, HCB, or Hexachlorobenzene, dacthal and MtB.

They also remove a vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — that have been found in the drinking water supplies of many North American towns and cities.

Most recently microplastics and microbeads have found their way into our water table and are also showing up in our drinking water and even in tap water.

Best Water filtration systems remove from 5 microns to as small as .1 microns of fibers. Since most of the fibers are 10 microns in size, these filters would remove almost all of the plastic fibers from tap water. Also our specialty filters such as the bone char fluoride removal filter can provide an additional level of filtration to any system.

You could have your tap water analyzed but unfortunately water out of the tap doesn’t come with an ingredient list like your food in the grocery store. As a discerning consumer and concerned parent, it’s no wonder you are concerned about the water that your children are drinking.

As well as filtering out “the baddies” all of our H2 ionizers and filters infuse the water with “the goodies”: dissolved hydrogen which is a powerful anti-oxidant, immune booster, good for growing bodies (bones and muscles) and has even been shown to prevent dental decay.

Obesity is a growing epidemic in North America. Sugary drinks are the single largest contributor to daily caloric intake. People are drinking more sugar than ever – double over the last 30 years – and these drinks are relentlessly marketed to children and teens. They are often disguised as “healthy” drinks such as juice drinks, sports drinks, flavored and enhanced waters, sweetened teas and energy drinks.

H2 water provides tremendous health benefits without any calories. It’s a great way to get children started on healthy habits that will form a foundation for a lifetime.

And speaking of benefits, the antioxidants and their preventative qualities will help children fight that cold or bug that’s going around and keep them healthy year round.

And hydrogen rich water is great for teens that are experiencing hormonal fluctuations, which can result in mood swings, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and even skin eruptions. H2 water can help boost their emotional and mental stamina.

Children love the taste of clean, cold filtered water especially without the chemical cocktail that is in most drinking water. An H2 water ionizer is a major investment in keeping your children healthy today and giving them a lifelong healthy habit.

It’s great to set an example for your children by drinking plenty of clean, filtered water throughout the day. But for many people drinking enough water every day is a challenge. Perhaps you work at a desk all day and forget to take breaks. Maybe you think you don’t like the taste of water. Or perhaps you like the taste of water but are so rushed in your day that you just don’t remember. Whatever the excuse here are a few suggestions to help you hydrate throughout the day

Make it a morning habit. Pour yourself a glass of water and keep it on your bedside table. Reach for it first thing in the morning. It will kick start your digestion and you’ll be surprised at how refreshed you feel

Buy yourself a nice water bottle. Check out our new AnyWater portable water bottle a unique portable solution to healthy drinking water. It filters out chlorine, heavy metals, and bacteria. But that’s not all. Its central cartridge contains a powerful filter, alkaline minerals, and magnetic media. Or check out our H2 water bottle. It’s more than a flashy way to carry your water. It’s a revolution in a bottle and a revolutionary way to ensure that you have H2 or dissolved hydrogen while you travel. It fizzes and flashes and looks like a water bottle from the future but it uses the most current scientific technology to enhance your health. Plus your coworkers will think it’s really cool!

Add a little flavor. You can squeeze a little lemon, add some cucumber or float a few berries in your pitcher to make it tastier and that will inspire you to drink more of it. You can invite your children to come up with their own tasty combinations.

Drink a glass every bathroom break. You’re already up from your desk so you don’t need to make an extra trip. Stop by the kitchen and fill up your water bottle or fill a glass with water and take it with you. It will get you to take more bathroom breaks and you will drink more water to continue the cycle. It will also get you out of your seat for a much needed stretch.

Use an app. Tracking how many glasses you’ve finished can be easy (and fun) with the help of a free app like Daily Water Free or Daily Water. Download them to your phone to set daily reminders and alarms. It’s fun to track your progress and keep inspired.

Invest in a filter. It just makes sense that if your water tastes better you are going to be more inclined to drink it. Best Water filters and ionizers remove harmful impurities from tap water such as fluoride, chlorine, lead, mercury, PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, perchlorates, dioxins, trace pharmaceuticals and micro-plastics. The result is water that’s fresh as a mountain stream!

Fill’er up. Don’t let your water bottle, glass or pitcher sit empty on your desk. The minute you run out, get up and fill it back up again.

Sweat it out, hydrate after. Going to the gym? Make a point of filling and then finishing a bottle of water every single time you exercise. Don’t think that having a coffee on the run afterwards is hydrating. Drinking plenty of water after a workout is important for helping your muscles recover and will likely help you feel less fatigued and sore.

Forget the diet drinks. No matter how much you think it will give you an afternoon boost, don’t reach for that diet cola thinking you are hydrating without adding calories. Instead, reach for a glass of clean filtered water when you are having an afternoon slump. It will give you boost without endangering your health. Diet drinks have been linked to heart disease, kidney problems and metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

Drink a glass while making dinner. Ok many of us have been known to drink a glass or two of wine while we’re cooking but try sipping a glass of water instead. You’ll stay hydrated and won’t fill yourself up snacking on your ingredients.

For more information about our portable water bottles or our other H2 filters and ionizers please check out: www.waterionizer.org Questions? Still curious but don’t know which unit is best for you? We pride ourselves on our customer service so give us a call to speak to one of our water specialists at 877-770-5247.

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Julia Abelsohn

Julia Abelsohn

Julia Abelsohn is a writer, editor and clinical aromatherapist. She has been sharing her expertise and passion for health and wellness for over 25 years. When not at her desk she can be found exploring the many trails and green spaces near her home in Edmonton, Alberta.

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